

General terms and conditions of business and purchase

General terms and conditions of business and purchase

The general terms and conditions of business and purchase determine the procedure for accessing, ordering, paying, delivering and complaining about products and services offered on the MARODI online store at the primary internet address The owner of the stated website is Stjepan Marodi, Gospodarska ulica 5, Nedelišće, 40305

All materials on the online store are the intellectual property of Marodi d.o.o., whose owner is Stjepan Marodi, and can be used only with the express permission of the copyright holder, and the holder of trademark and/or design rights. Marodi d.o.o enables the use of the services and content of the online store as regulated by these Terms of Use and Purchase.

Regarding the online store, Marodi d.o.o. is the Seller, and the Customer is any visitor who orders one or more products from the Seller through the online store or in some other way.

Terms of use and purchase form part of the distance Agreement together with the specifications and prices of the purchased products, and before confirming the order, the Customer shall be asked to accept them, or declare that they learned about them and agrees with them. The Seller reserves the right to change the conditions at any time, with the said changes coming into force upon publication on the online store.

When the Customer confirms and executes the order, the agreement is concluded, and the Seller notifies the Customer by e-mail that the agreement has been concluded. For a validly concluded agreement, the Customer must have full legal capacity, that is, be an adult. The Customer bears the responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of user data entered during registration, sign-in and/or product ordering. On behalf of persons under legal disability, only their legal representatives can enter into an agreement, and persons with partial legal capacity can only enter into an agreement with the consent of their legal representative.

Access to the online store may sometimes be unavailable due to works, maintenance or the introduction of new content, and in cases of unforeseen circumstances, beyond the control of the Seller, which the Seller shall try to eliminate as soon as possible.


Products and services features

Products on the online store are presented with text descriptions and photos, and the information about them is stated based on the Seller's database. Product photos are illustrative in nature and do not always have to correspond in all details to the products that are the subject of the order. The Seller especially points out that the visual identity of the product shown in the photo does not have to correspond to the appearance of the product in reality (which includes but is not limited to the screen settings of the device with which the user accesses the online store, the user's perception of colours, the way the product is photographed, variations in printing, etc.). In case of a discrepancy between the product shown in the photo and the delivered product, this shall not be considered product defect.

Product information displayed on the online store is subject to computer errors, irregularities in the operation of the application and/or server, other technical irregularities, typographical errors, etc. The Seller shall try to provide as precise a description and image of the product as possible on the online store, but does not assume responsibility for the complete accuracy of the given data. In the event of obvious errors or defects in product data, the Seller reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the agreement.

Only the products for which it is indicated in the order that they are available and obtainable can be the subject of the order. Due to the large number of orders that can be processed at the same time, it may occur that the information about the availability of the product is not the same as the current inventory. If the ordered product is not available in the warehouse, the Seller shall inform the Customer that the product is currently unavailable, about the time frame in which the product shall be available, and at the same time offer the possibility of purchasing an alternative product that is available for delivery.

Product price

Prices on the online store are expressed in kunas (HRK) and euros (EUR), and starting with 01.01.2023. they shall will be expressed only in euros (EUR). The cost of VAT is included in the price of the product. Delivery costs are not included in the product price, as they are paid separately.

Before confirming the order, the price of the product including VAT and the delivery price are shown separately. The delivery price depends on the quantity and weight of the ordered products and is shown as a total. The final price is displayed at the end of the purchase so that the Customer has an overview of the final price they pay for the ordered products and services.

In the case of payment by internet banking and a national payment order, payment costs and/or interbank transactions are not included in the price.


Delivery costs

Delivery costs are calculated for each order depending on the number and weight of the ordered products, their total price and the location to which they are to be delivered. Total shipping costs are shown during the ordering process.

Delivery cost in the territory of the Republic of Croatia:

The cost of delivery depends on the value of the order in accordance with the Terms of Delivery.

The delivery time is 24-48 hours from the visible payment on the Seller's account, except in exceptional cases defined by the Terms of Delivery.


Terms and methods of payment

The prices on the web shop are valid only for online orders.

The currency is the Croatian kuna (HRK). From 01.01.2023. the currency will be Euro (EUR).

It is possible to pay for the ordered goods only by credit card or bank transfer (R1 invoice).


Orders and deliveries in Croatia:

You can pay for the ordered goods by credit card, by bank transfer (R-1, invoice issued to the company).



After placing the order, and within 24 hours, we shall send you an offer via the email you specified when placing the order. You may pay for the ordered goods according to the offer within 24 hours, and upon receipt of payment, the ordered goods shall be sent to your address.



When paying on our web store, you use CorvusPay - an advanced system for securely accepting payment cards online. CorvusPay ensures the complete confidentiality of your card data from the moment you enter them in the CorvusPay payment form. Payment data is transmitted encrypted from your web browser to the bank that issued your card. Our web store never comes into contact with complete information about your payment card. Also, even the employees of the CorvusPay system cannot access your data. An isolated core independently transfers and manages sensitive data, keeping it completely secure. The form for entering payment data is secured with an SSL transport code of the highest reliability. All stored data is additionally protected by encryption, using a cryptographic device certified according to the FIPS 140-2 Level 3 standard. CorvusPay meets all the requirements related to the security of online payments prescribed by the leading card brands, that is, it operates in accordance with the norm - PCI DSS Level 1 - which is the highest security standard of the payment card industry. When paying with cards included in the 3-D Secure program, in addition to checking the validity of the card, your bank also confirms your identity using a token or password. Corvus Info considers all collected information as bank secret and treats it accordingly. The information is used exclusively for the purposes for which it is intended. Your sensitive data is completely safe, and its privacy is guaranteed by the most modern protection mechanisms. Only data necessary for the performance of work are collected in accordance with the prescribed demanding procedures for online payment. Security controls and operational procedures applied to our infrastructure ensure the immediate reliability of the CorvusPay system In addition, by maintaining strict access control, regular security monitoring and due diligence to prevent network vulnerabilities, and planned implementation of provisions on information security, they permanently maintain and improve the level of system security by protecting your card data.


Products delivery

We deliver via the courier services of DPD Croatia d.o.o.

The delivery time is 24-48 hours from the visible payment on the Seller's account in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, except in exceptional cases defined by the Terms of Delivery.

Should it be impossible to deliver the selected product due to immediate or permanent unavailability, the Seller shall inform the Customer immediately, and the Customer has the right to terminate the agreement and request a refund or agree to a later delivery date. We will give it our all for all ordered products to be delivered in one shipment. Should this not be possible due to the state of inventory, the Seller reserves the right to deliver in multiple shipments and assumes the cost of delivery of subsequent shipments.

Delivery is carried out in accordance with the terms of use of the delivery service, and is considered completed at the moment of handing over the product to the delivery service. In the case of the first unsuccessful delivery of the shipment, the delivery service shall leave a notification about the shipment's due date along with all the necessary contact information for arranging a second delivery date.

If the shipment sent to the Customer is returned to the Seller because the delivery service failed to make the delivery, the Customer shall be notified by e-mail and shall be offered the following options:

  • that the ordered shipment be re-delivered to the address of the Customer, i.e. the recipient, at the request of the Customer via e-mail, with the charging of additional delivery costs;
  • to pick up the ordered product at the Seller's address with a prior telephone or email agreement on the pickup date.


When the Seller delivers the shipment to the Customer through the delivery service, the Customer shall accept it by signing the delivery note, thereby confirming that the shipment has been duly delivered.

Should the Customer order the goods and refuse to receive them, the Seller has the right to withhold from the paid amount of the purchase price the amount equal to the delivery costs and other manipulative costs.


Delivery deadlines do not include:

  • day of order/request receipt;
  • time of delay due to incorrect and incomplete address of the Customer;
  • time of delay due to force majeure or other reasons for which the Seller is not responsible;
  • weekends, non-working days and holidays.


Unilateral termination of the agreement

Only the Customer who has placed an order or concluded a Distance Agreement in accordance with these Terms of Use and Purchase has the right, without giving reasons for this, to unilaterally terminate the agreement within 14 days. The 14-day deadline starts from the date when the goods, which are the subject of the Agreement, were handed over to the Customer or the third party, who was determined by the Customer and who was not the carrier/courier service. If with one order the Customer has ordered several products that are to be delivered separately, that is, if it is a question of several shipments, the deadline starts from the day when the last shipment was handed over to the possession.

Before the expiration of the term for unilateral termination of the agreement, the Customer shall notify the seller of their decision to terminate the agreement at The Seller shall send the confirmation of the received notice on unilateral termination of the Agreement to the Customer without delay, by electronic mail.

If the Customer unilaterally terminates the Distance Agreement, the Seller shall return the money paid excluding delivery costs. The costs of returning the shipment are borne by the Customer. The Customer shall return the shipment immediately, and no later than within 7 days from the date of sending the decision on unilateral termination of the agreement. The shipment should be sent by mail in a verifiable manner to the address Marodi d.o.o.  Gospodarska ulica 5, Nedelišće, 40305.  The refund shall be made after the shipment has been returned to the Seller, and no later than within 7 days of receiving the returned shipment. The refund shall be carried out in the same way as your payment was made.

It is considered that the Customer has fulfilled their obligation on time if they send the shipment to the Seller's address in a verifiable way (preferably with a return receipt) before the expiration of the specified period. The Customer is responsible for any asset impairment which is the direct result of the goods handling, other than the handling which was required in order to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of products. If the Customer returns a defective product, with major damaged or missing parts and documentation, and if the products are not delivered within an additional deadline of 8 days, it shall be considered that the Customer has failed to fulfil their obligation to return the goods and that the Seller is not obliged to give the Customer a refund.


The Customer is not entitled to unilateral termination of Agreement if:

  • The Seller has fully fulfilled the Agreement, and the fulfilment had begun with the explicit and prior acceptance of the Customer and their confirmation that they are aware of the fact that they shall lose the right to unilateral termination of the Agreement if the service is fully fulfilled;
  • The subject of the Agreement are the goods or services whose price depends on the changes on the financial market that are out of the Seller’s influence, and which can appear during the term of the Customer’s right to unilateral termination of Agreement;
  • The subject of the Agreement is the product which is manufactured under the Customer’s specifications or which was clearly custom-made for the Customer;
  • The subject of the Agreement is a sealed product that is not suitable for return due to health or hygiene reasons, if it was unsealed after delivery;
  • The subject of the contract is a product which, due to its nature, is inseparably mixed with other things after delivery.

Product complaint

Deadline for complaints: 7 days from the day of receipt of the order.

The Seller is responsible for material defects of products on the online store in accordance with the positive regulations of the Republic of Croatia, in particular the Civil Obligations Act.

All ordered products are packed in a way that they cannot be damaged by normal handling during transport/delivery.

Upon receiving the shipment, the Customer shall check the delivered goods and determine whether the shipment has been delivered in its entirety, i.e. whether all products have been delivered. In case of defects, the Customer shall send a written objection/complaint immediately, as subsequent complaints will not be accepted.

In the event that the shipment is damaged during transport, such damage is visible when the shipment is picked up, and in that case the Customer should refuse to pick up the shipment and report it to the Seller as soon as possible with a description of the problem. We recommend you to photograph the damage.

In the case of a visible defect of the product upon taking over the shipment, the Customer is not obliged to take over the delivered product, can refuse receipt, and does not bear the costs of delivering such a product. It is considered that the products that were duly received by the Customer had no visible defect. The Customer has the right to complain regarding material defects in terms and for the reasons prescribed by the provisions of the Civil Obligations Act. The customer can send a written objection or complaint via e-mail to or in writing to the address: Marodi d.o.o., Gospodarska ulica 5, Nedelišće, 40305 with an indication “Complaint”.

In order to determine the order about which the Customer has a complaint as quickly as possible, the Customer is obliged to indicate the order number or invoice number in the complaint.


The Customer has the right to make a justified complaint and to return the goods in the following cases:

  • delivery of goods that were not ordered;
  • delivery of goods that have a defect or damage that did not occur during transport.


The Seller shall consider the complaint valid if, after examining the product, it is established that it meets the conditions for a complaint in accordance with the Civil Obligations Act and the Consumer Protection Act. In such a case, the Seller shall replace the product within 15 days of receiving a valid complaint and send it to the Customer or give them a refund for the full amount paid, together with the termination of Agreement. But, if the Seller establishes that the complaint is not valid, i.e. if they reject the complaint, they shall inform the Customer about it within 15 days from the day of receiving the complaint.

The Seller shall accept damaged, defective or wrongly delivered goods at their own expense should it be determined that the complaint is justified and that the Customer had no affect on the defectiveness, damage or any flaw of the goods.

In the event of a justified complaint, the cost of replacing the product with a new product shall be borne entirely by the Seller.


Personal data protection policy

We want to make it clear that when you visit this website, your personal information remains confidential, unless you choose to disclose it voluntarily. We shall not, except for the purpose of a legal investigation, give the information we have received to other parties. When you send us e-mail with personal data that can be used to identify you, either through an e-mail message with a question or comment or through a form that you submit to us by e-mail, we use that data for the purpose of fulfilling your requests. We may send your email to other employees or suppliers who can better answer your questions. Personal data may be collected for the purpose of marketing activities. Further processing of personal data for historical, statistical or scientific purposes shall not be considered incompatible, provided that appropriate protective measures are taken.

You can read more about this in the PrivacyNotice.